12-15 May 2019 Instituto Telecomunicações, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal

The goal of the workshop is to bring together the scientific community that works in different domains of, and related to, astronomy (astronomers, cosmologists, astroparticle physicists, etc), to show the potential of the multi-messenger astronomy with the existent radio facilities, in particular, SKA precursors and pathfinders, and foster the interest in radio-related facilities in preparation to the advent of SKA.
The meeting includes review talks, hands-on and round-table sessions, with the main goal of maximizing the interaction between experts and the community.
This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562 [RadioNet]
List of participants
Invited speakers
F. Camilo (MeerKAT, SARAO, SA) - Status of MeerKAT, South Africa's SKA Precursor Telescope
F. Colomer (JIVE, NL) - The real-time European VLBI Network (e-EVN), a pathfinder for SKA
P. Dayal (Univ Groningen, NL) - The first billion years in the era of multi-messenger astronomy
A. De Angelis (INFN Padova, IT) - Gamma-ray astronomy in context
R. Fender (Univ. Oxford, UK) - Radio Transients
P. Freire (MPifR; DE) - Fundamental Physics with pulsars in the SKA era
C. Garcia-Miro (SKA) - SKA-VLBI key contribution to multi-messenger astronomy
Y. Kovalev (Lebedev Physics Inst., RU) - New insights into the AGN disk-jet physics from radio and optical astrometry data
E. Liuzzo (INAF, IT) - User interaction models: the case of ALMA and the recommendations for SKA
H. Messias (ALMA) - Bridging ALMA and SKA – the scientific potential of the largest interferometers working together
J. Moldon (JBO, UK) - e-MERLIN. QA and data processing with the e-MERLIN CASA pipeline
L. Morabito (Univ. Oxford, UK) - The Low Frequency Array and the power of radio surveys
P. Padovani (ESO) - Neutrinos from a blazar jet and the birth of non-stellar neutrino astronomy
O. Salafia (INAF, Brera, IT) - (Re)solving the riddle about the size of GRB 170817A through global VLBI observations
M. Santos (Univ. Western Cape, SA) - MeerKAT large survey projects
A. Scaife (Univ. Manchester, UK) - Multi-messenger machine learning for the SKA
N. Seymour (Univ. Curtin, AU) - TBC
J. Wagg (SKA) - An update on SKA1
Important dates
17 January 2019: First Announcement Registration opens
17 February 2019: Second Announcement
21 March 2019: Deadline for abstract submission
21 April 2019: Final registration deadline
13 May 2019: Meeting begins
15 May 2019: End of meeting